Hanford Flight By-Laws

September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024

I. Mission

The Hanford Flight AAU Basketball Club (hereinafter “Club”) is committed to providing a basketball program that affords an opportunity for elementary and middle school athletes to play basketball under a structured and organized level of participation while promoting Hanford High School Falcon Basketball. The Hanford High School Athletic Program recognizes the need to organize and give all area athletes easier access to a youth basketball program, get more athletes involved, introduce athletes to the high school coaching staff, and provide gym facilities for practices.

II. Philosophy

The program will encourage a positive atmosphere where young basketball players can learn, progress, and most importantly, have fun playing basketball. The program is designed for an athlete who will, or may, attend Hanford High School and aspire to become a future Hanford Falcon basketball player.

III. Objectives

Participation is based on the principle of continuous improvement throughout the program with the ultimate goal of preparing participants for competitive play in high school, college, and beyond. Participation should create a desire to succeed and excel.

IV. Flight Players

An “active player” of the Club is a player who has met the following requirements for a given year:
• They are eligible to play in accordance with AAU rules
• They have been selected and invited to play by one of the Club member coaches
• They have paid the player fees as determined by the Club
• After 6th grade, the player intends to attend Hanford High School

V. Membership and Voting

The Club voting membership shall include the Board of Directors, chairpersons of standing committees, and all coaches of recognized, active teams. Each person in this group shall be a Hanford Flight member (hereinafter “member”). Members must be present at the Club meetings to vote or have a proxy request submitted to the Board at the start of the meeting to have another member vote in their absence. All Club members agree, as a condition of membership, to abide by these By-Laws.

VI. Board of Directors

The Club shall elect a Board of Directors (hereinafter “Board”) that shall administer the business of the club. All Board positions are one-year terms which begin on September 1 and expire on August 31 (or until next available Club meeting). The Board will consist of the following positions:
• President (mandatory)
• Vice President (mandatory)
• Secretary (mandatory)
• Treasurer (mandatory)
• Tournament Director
• League Coordinator
• Website Coordinator

A. Election of Officers

The President will administer an annual election of the Board of Directors during a Club meeting. The election for the Board of Directors should be scheduled no later than August 31(or the next available club meeting), and the President will notify the members ten (10) days prior to the date of the election. Votes shall be cast by secret ballot (if more than one (1) candidate nominated) and the election decided by a simple majority of the voting members present. Members shall not hold more than one Board position.

B. Roles and Responsibilities

1. General

The Board has the authority to make decisions on the items listed below. These decisions are determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall communicate the results of Board decisions to the membership in a timely way.
• Approval of team coaches
• Approval of performance expectations for coaches
• Authority to remove any coach for conduct not keeping with the Club performance               expectations
• Authority to appoint a Club member to fill a vacant Board position
• Authority to create or eliminate Board positions
• Authority to create, modify, and/or update Bylaws
• Authority to create or eliminate Committees (see Section VII)
• Authority to administer the Club player sponsorship program
• Approval of expenses that arise outside of any approved budget

2. President

• Conduct the affairs of the Club and execute the policies established by the club
• Communicate to the Board and the Club membership such matters as deemed appropriate
• Investigate complaints, irregularities, and conditions detrimental to the club and report thereon
to the Club membership as circumstances warrant
• Preside at all Club membership meetings and, as necessary, committee meetings
• Coordinate with the Directors and coaches regarding the formation of teams and scheduling of
• Prepare an annual budget for Board approval
• Approve all financial disbursements
• Coordinate with the Richland School District (RSD) for the rental of all gym space for
practices, hosting league games, and tournaments.
• Arrange for the scheduling of referees for tournaments as needed
• Set the dates of the Club meetings for the upcoming season. The first meeting, generally
held during the last week of August, will include but will not be limited to the following
• Present a report of the condition of the teams.
• Confirm elections for the Board of Directors
• Address any issues that are pertinent to members or the Club
• Ratify the By-Laws for the upcoming year

3. Vice President

• Fulfill any of the roles of President as delegated by the President
• Assist in coordinating/scheduling volunteers for games, tournaments, and activities (e.g., announcing, score keeping, gym assignments and preparation)
• Coordinate uniform consistency, purchase, and distribution to the Club teams

4. Secretary

• Record the activities of all meetings and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists, and appropriate records
• Coordinate and maintain a list of members with the Treasurer
• Give notice of all regular and special meetings of the Club to all the members
• Keep, record, and archive the minutes of meetings
• Contact all Club members at least seven (7) days prior to regular meetings with the minutes of the
previous Club meeting, and location and time of the next meeting
• Responsible for medical training required for coaches and players (e.g. concussions, sudden cardiac arrest).

5. Treasurer

• Receive monies and deposit it in a depository approved by the Club
• Maintain the financial records and provide a detailed income and expense report at each meeting or as requested by the Board
• Make all disbursements as approved by the President
• Coordinate and maintain a list of members with the Secretary
• Apply for and maintain tax ID numbers, tax-exempt status, business permits, AAU club
membership, etc. for the Club, as applicable

6. Tournament Director

• Assemble and lead a team of volunteers to design, plan, operate, and coordinate the operation of the tournament(s)
• Track income and expenses and provide input to Treasurer

7. League Coordinator

• Coordinate advertising and marketing needs
• Schedule team parents to volunteer for admissions and concessions at league games
• Coordinate concession items for league games
• Coordinate set-up/tear down for league games

8. Website Coordinator

• Maintain list of all registered athletes
• Act as the liaison between the Board and the coaches
• Work with the President to resolve any coaching issues that may arise

VII. Committees

The Club will maintain three standing committees; the Tournament Committee, League Committee, and the Scholarship Committee. Roles and responsibilities for the Committees are described below.

A. Tournament Committee

• Set prices, order products as needed and collect money
• Set a work schedule, reserve gyms, and align referees to operate tournament

B. Scholarship Committee

• Consists of 2-3 officers appointed by the President
• Determine scholarship application criteria for those players that need financial assistance

C. League Committee

• Works with League Coordinator as work load requires

VIII. Hanford Flight Meetings

Regular and special Club meetings will be held when needed, as determined by the President. The first meeting for the upcoming season should be held by September. Generally, meetings will be held at least every other month between September and July.
Regular meetings are open to all Club members. Participation by members at all regular meetings is encouraged.
Quorum: The presence, in person, of a simple majority of the currently elected Board of Directors, one of which is the President or Vice President, shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for all meetings. Any Club member may make motions and voting at Club meetings will be pursuant to section V. Membership and Voting. Motions receiving a simple majority are approved.

IX. Coaches

All Coaches shall not engage in any misconduct. All Coaches shall publicly support Hanford High School on game days and at practices. The Coaches will be responsible for administering the Club program within parameters agreed to by the Club prior to the start of the season. After the season (typically August), the coaches will meet to discuss the season. The coaches will provide their assessments of the year and recommended changes to the program for subsequent years. Under no circumstances will coaches be considered employees of the Club. Attend coaching clinics and training, to the extent possible, when made available by the Club. Stive for continuous improvement as a coach, mentor, and leader.

Player Selection and Team Formation

The Board and coaches will determine the date, time and location for annual open tryouts of all 7th and 8th grade players and will be responsible for player selection. Player attendance at tryouts is necessary unless waived by the coaches. Each coach is responsible for determining and maintaining their team’s roster. Players shall play at grade level (encourage grades to work with their grade level regardless of ability). However, due to the number of players registered in a particular grade level, there may be instances where obtaining younger players may be necessary to complete a team roster. This should not discourage a tournament team from occasionally entering into a higher division as competition parity warrants. For 7th and 8th grade, the formation of A and B Teams will be made and include Board involvement. The club respectfully requests that the players are committed to going to HHS. Supplemental “tryouts” or “open gyms” can be held to assemble new teams as needed. These activities shall be approved by the board and attended by at least one board member. If a team obtains a sponsor, it needs to stay with club uniforms, but shooting shirts may have sponsors name in black and/or club colors.

XI. Policy Statements

The Club shall be a non-profit organization. The operating year for the Club shall be from September 1 through August 31. Misconduct can result in removal from the Club. The Club shall fund itself by accepting contributions from parents, sponsors, other interests, and from fund raising activities. Club expenses that arise outside of the approved budget require Board approval. All contributions received and all amounts raised through fund raising events shall be used only to accomplish the objectives sanctioned by the Club. Funds collected by the Club may be used to operate the Club, provide improvements to Hanford High School basketball facilities or equipment, provide basketball instruction to players and/or coaches, provide player sponsorship, or provide cash donations to the Hanford High School basketball programs. A checking account will be maintained at a Richland/West Richland, Washington financial institution and managed by the Treasurer. Excess amounts in checking may be transferred to a savings account or other interest bearing certificate or account. The Club can amend the By-Laws by a 2/3 vote of the Club members present. Amendments to these By-Laws must be submitted to all members in writing at least seven (7) days prior to a club meeting. Parents shall support the team in fundraising activities, concessions, and other projects conducted by the Club.
If a situation arises which is not adequately covered by these By-Laws, the Board of Directors has absolute authority over such matters.