General Information

What We Offer

Flight purchases insurance for teams within our program and also serves as the main conduit to reserving gym space through the Richland School District (Note: Teams will pay for gym-time based upon number and duration as required by RSD, which is typically $25/hr. Payments will be coordinated through Flight). Flight offers coaching clinics and open gyms throughout the year that include skills-based learning and drills for your kids to continue their development. This will often include the participation of one of the Hanford High basketball coaches. Each player will receive a shooting shirt.

Signing up for AAU

 Each athlete and coach will need to get an AAU membership card to participate. The sites aren’t incredibly intuitive, so it might take some time poking around to get your membership completed.

Meet Our Board Of Directors.

Coming Soon Following 2023-2024 Election.

Registering To Play

Teams are responsible for registering to play in leagues and tournaments. Costs are handled by the individual teams and parents. Coordinate the desired participation with your team members. There are a number of ways to play in the Tri-Cities, but the easiest way to get started is throug3 Cities Hoops. Each team signs up for seasons that they want to participate in. The 2 biggest seasons are Fall (Oct – Dec) and Winter (Jan-Mar). Early fall season starts in Sept. – Oct. Each season is ~$300. 3 Cities Hoops also offers tournaments throughout the year. Hermiston puts on high quality tournaments and can be found here Hermiston AAU Basketball Hermiston Basketball Club – AAU & HYBA.